Trinity is an active congregation with a wide array of worship, learning, fellowship, and service ministries which we share throughout the year
Worship Ministries
In the worship of the Church we have the opportunity to step out of the world and encounter the Living God. At Trinity, we strive to worship with beauty and truth and many helpful hands come together to make it so. We give thanks for the efforts of Acolytes, Lectors, Anthem Choir, Bell Choir, Cantors, Organists, Instrumentalists, Deacons, Ushers, Greeters, and members of Altar Guild. Together we sing songs of praise to God!
Fellowship Groups
Often we see God’s goodness and blessing the most in our lives when we are together. After all, we were not made to live life alone. Members and friends of Trinity can find opportunities for fellowship through a great number of active groups such as Senior Adult Lunches, Adult Nights Out, Young Adult and Family Gatherings, Sewing, Hiking, and Women of Trinity Groups. There really is something for everyone!
Service Opportunities
We cannot follow in the footsteps of Christ and not share a concern for the well being of our neighbor. As a result, Trinity has created ministries and established partnerships so as to best care for the neighbors in our life who need a little help now and again. We proudly host a weekly Free Community Dinner, coordinate the local expression of the Salvation Army, provide needed Children’s Winter Clothing and sponsor monthly appeals that raise both awareness and support for local, national, and global needs.
Adult Educational Ministries
As we live out our lives of faith we find ourselves constantly seeking to know God better. Here at Trinity we provide two principal adult educational opportunities - Sunday Morning Adult Forum and Wednesday Evening Bible Studies. Through these times together we cover a wide range of topics from “Lutheran Catechesis” to “Church History” to “Foundations of Christian Theology.” We hear God’s Word in the Scriptures and then we find guidance from Christians throughout the ages in reaching faithful, healthy, and true understandings.
Children’s Ministries
In our children we see the beautiful future of the Church. And we also hear the stern command of God to care for and raise them well. To do this, we offer (Sept-May) Sunday morning Sunday School at 9:45am where our children connect with dedicated instructors who share with them the Scriptures and help them to see the wonderful love and care of God. Also, we host various times of special instruction and gathering such as Faith, Fun, and Family nights where the whole family enjoys a meal together and then participates in faith formation together.
Youth Ministries
Our youth are forced to face countless complexities and confusions during their teenage years. With Trinity’s Youth Ministries, we attempt to instill in our youth a sense of the love of God while also teaching and promoting good, faithful, and reasonable perspectives on life. Through Youth Group, High School Hangouts, Sunday School, and Confirmation, we seek to offer opportunities for our youth to learn, share, and act in ways that are faithful and lasting.